Dental Care & Prevention -
Why does my pet need a dental cleaning and how often should this be done?
Many of the pets that visit us on a regular basis need professional teeth cleaning. When bacteria irritate the gum line, the gums become inflamed in the early stages of dental disease causing gingivitis. Left untreated, this leads to periodontal disease, which causes the loss of the bone and gingival support structure of the tooth and subsequent tooth loss. In addition, the bacteria are consistently released into the blood stream allowing for systemic infections, which can cause damage to internal organs, such as the kidneys, liver and heart.
The good news is that a dental exam is included in all physical exams conducted at Neighborhood Vet Hospital Through routine physical exams, our veterinarians will guide you on when and how often your individual pet is in need of a teeth cleaning.
Should I brush my pet’s teeth at home?
Yes. Home dental care for companion animals should start early, even before the adult teeth erupt. Although tooth brushing is the best method of preventing plaque and bacterial build-up, there are many options for dental home care. Other oral home care options such as dental formulated foods, water additives, and dental treats can be considered and discussed with our veterinarians.